Coordinating Entity
INIAV - Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, I. P.
INIAV’s core competences may be summarized as follows:
– To develop the scientific and technological basis that supports the definition of the public sector policies;
– To promote the activities of research, experimentation and demonstration, according to the public policies’ guidelines designed for each sector, in order to ensure the technical and scientific support that leads to the development, innovation and improved competitiveness in areas such as the forestry, crop’s protection, food production, animal health and food safety, as well as in the area of food technology and biotechnology with application in those areas;
– To ensure its National Reference Laboratory role, broadening the spectrum of laboratory testing particularly in the areas of food safety, animal health and plant protection and health;
– To cooperate with related scientific and technological institutions, and participate in national and international science and technology activities.
INIAV’s performance in areas such as Food Safety, Plant Health, Animal Health and Genetic Resources (preservation and conservation) can bring a both unique and fundamental contribution to the country’s development.
ACHAR – Associação dos Agricultores de Charneca
The vast area of the association intervention, includes the municipalities of Almeirim, Alpiarça, Chamusca and bordering, occupying about 100 000 hectares of the national territory.
The Charneca area of the region is well represented by ACHAR members, more than one hundred and fifty members occupy approximately 50 000 hectares.
ADPM - Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola
ADPM – Associação de Defesa do Património de Mértola was created in 1980 with the purpose to contribute for the active and harmonious development of Mértola, sustained in the conservation and promotion of local resources. Also, it aimed to promote the involvement of the local population in the process of improvement their life conditions. ADPM’s mission consists mostly in the economic, social and cultural development of the territories where its work takes place. In order to do so, ADPM strategically shares with public and private companies and with local citizens the responsibility to actively participate in their own local development processes. With the goal to deepen its role in Mértola’s local development, ADPM has been enlarging its thematic and geographical scope with its intervention areas. The projects that ADPM develops, individually or in partnership, give ADPM a transnational dimension that enriches its local experience. Based on the logic “Think Global – Act Local”, we understand multiculturalism and diversity as the foundations for people´s development.
Integrated in an ongoing development work since the 1970s, and in a wider intervention strategy to promote the reconversion of the rural world within its local potentialities, ADPM has been focused on the prosecution of the following goals:
- Conciliation between natural resources conservation and social and economic development, as a strategy for a sustainable future of rural areas;
- Promotion of environment education as a privileged form to educate local populations;
- Implementation of a integrative development process which involves different agents (public, private, individual and collective);
- Valorization of the local human resources and promotion of the constitution of a diverse and entrepreneurial economic tissue;
- Promotion of social inclusion and address local necessities felt by the population;
- Cooperation in developing countries;
- Promotion of the local development;
- Promotion of ludic and cultural projects in low density territories.

AFLOSOR – Associação dos Produtores Agro-Florestais da Região de Ponte de Sôr, is a private-law entity and was established on February 27, 1989, with the main objectives related whit the defense of the forest producers interests and the development of actions aiming at the forests valorization. It currently represents 103 members and about 55 000 ha in the municipalities of Ponte de Sôr, Avis, Mora, Gavião, Alter do Chão and neighboring municipalities. In relation to the associated area, this is mostly occupied by cork oak forests, with the eucalyptus, the maritime and stone tree forests, and some holm oak Montado agroforestry system.
- Defense and representation of agro-forestry producers;
- Agricultural and forestry technical support of our associates;
- Collection and dissemination of agricultural and forestry information and its legal framework;
- Integration into applications in partnership with the Operational Groups (Action 1.0.0 PDR 2020) totaling 4 applications, all related to research and search for answers to clearly identified problems, such as the plague of Platypus, a partnership in which we are a leading entity.
- Holding of seminars and technical meetings on current agro-forestry issues related to the region.
- Elaboration of candidature Unique Requests;
- Technical Assistance to Production Modes (MPB and PRODI);
- Parcelar room;
- Elaboration and monitoring of agricultural projects;
- Survey of soil, foliar and water samples;
- Entity recognized in partnership with CAP to implement the agricultural advisory system in the region.
- Elaboration of forest management plans (PGFs);
- Elaboration and monitoring of forestry projects;
- Forest Certification FSC – AFLOCERT Group;
- Evaluation of woody material;
- Promotion of an integrated system of surveillance, location and first intervention in forest fires;
- Surveys with GPS and incorporation of digital information for the production of all type of thematic cartography.
- Fostering producer groups: commercialization of pineapple; creation of ZIF’s
- Accreditation for sectoral training
- Application for Training-Action for SMEs approved for the themes Agricultural Management and Certification of Sustainable Forest Management
- At the stage of applying to DGERT for Certification of Training Entity for the agricultural, forestry and informatics areas in the user’s perspective
Phone: +351 242 203 296
ANSUB – Associação dos Produtores Florestais do Vale do Sado
Defend and promote a Rural World from a horizontal perspective, integrating all the economic activities present in it, with a special focus on the forest, with a view to ensuring its economic, social and environmental sustainability, considering the best available techniques and, the context imposed by agricultural policies.
Historical Background and Representativeness
ANSUB started its activity in 1994 as an aggregator of a group of forestry producers in Alcácer do Sal, Grândola and Santiago do Cacém.
Original concerns naturally included the promotion of greater transparency and functioning of the cork market, the dissemination of good agro-forestry practices and the correct use of opportunities arising from the Community Support Frameworks and their impact on the modernization of the regional productive fabric.
Thus, from a founding nucleus of a dozen Associates, ANSUB today directly represents close to two hundred Associates, representing many more farms and a forest area of about two hundred thousand hectares.
Starting only with the availability of its Management, ANSUB is now moving towards a growing professionalization of its Staff, having important human and technical resources that allow a response that is increasingly effective to meet the growing demands of the Associates.
With better means, with greater representation and with an already expressive repository of knowledge and experience, after its first twenty-one years of activity, ANSUB is now in a better position to carry out its mission, ie to fight for the forestry development of the Alentejo Litoral region.
Services provided
1- Diagnostics and strategic studies of farms
– Surveys and characterization;
– Strategic diagnostics;
– Planning Studies;
– Development and planning of activities;
– Property valuation;
– Geographic Information Systems;
– Forest Management Plans;
– Forest Certification – CertiSado certification group management with approximately 18,630 ha certified;
– Forest Inventory.
2 – Incentives for investment in holdings
– Formalization and administrative follow-up of applications;
– Monitoring of Project Execution.
3 – Valorization of forest production
– Sampling of the quality and humidity of Cork;
– Evaluation of standing timber volumes;
– Transformation of Pinewood in Black Pinhão;
– Disclosure of quotations of forest products;
– Information/contact of producers with the processing sector;
– Dissemination and promotion of complementarities (hunting, mushrooms and aromatic plants).
4 – Technical support to producers
– Visits to holdings;
– Elaboration of Technical Opinions;
– Dissemination of new techniques and procedures;
– Dissemination of good practices;
– Professional qualification;
– Forest Information and Services.
Land Owners
Pilot Area
Companhia das Lezírias, S.A
Pilot Area
EDIA - Empresa de Desenvolvimento e Infra-estruturas do Alqueva, S.A.
EDIA is the entity responsible for the management of the Alqueva Multi-Purpose Enterprise, which comprises a set of structuring projects for the development of the Alentejo.
In the management of Herdade da Coitadinha (HC), EDIA devotes special attention to the forest, namely holm oak, which, in HC, occupies an area of approximately 500 ha, on the form of a montado and holm oak woodland (azinhal).
EDIA was involved in the OakRegeneration project because, being the main component of the landscape of Noudar Nature Park (NNP), it is important to preserve, foment and expand it, with the propagation of natural regeneration being one of the mechanisms that more important to promote.
The NNP is integrated into the Natura 2000 Network – Moura-Mourão-Barrancos Special Protection Zone (ZPE), so the project is developed in an area of high natural interest, with habitats of high conservation value for the preservation of biodiversity.
The implementation of this project, and its execution in the field, will be an aid in the promotion of the holm oak, allowing to face the future of Montado in a more optimistic way.

Herdade do Paúl
The local climate has Mediterranean characteristics softened by the proximity of the ocean and the soils are mostly sedimentary formations originating from the geological periods of the Miocene and Pliocene.
With an area of 864 ha, Herdade do Paúl is a property with a marked forestry vocation, occupying the cork oak stands 631 ha (73% of the total area) and the eucalyptus stands 108 ha (12% of the total area).
The general objectives of long-term management are:
- Maintenance/valorization of forestry activity, with particular attention to cork oak stands and the production of superior cork quality from a continuity perspective;
- The combination of forestry activity with other subordinate activities – agricultural, livestock, game or other – providing annual income;
- The permanent human presence in the urban area of Herdade do Paúl, so that the economy can be stable and the activities sustainable, short-term management, while attentive to the surrounding must be consistent with the general objectives outlined.
Other Owners
Anta de Cima – Sociedade Agrícola Unipessoal, Lda.
Carlos Frederico Abecassis do Amaral Netto
César Sacadura Mexia de Almeida
Pedro Sacadura Teixeira Cabral Duarte da Silveira
Sociedade Agrícola do Casal das Pombas